The new academic partnership with the social video platform, which receives more than 26 million visitors worldwide each day, will provide undergraduates on the BA (Hons) in esports – the first degree in the UK to examine the impact of gaming through scientific study – with expert tuition from Twitch professionals and opportunities to stream across the world.
Mark ‘Garvey’ Candella, director of student and education programs at Twitch, said: “We are proud to partner with the University of Chichester in bringing relevant and engaging education in emerging, new, and digital media through gaming and esports.
“We are very much looking forward to being of service to their faculty, educators, and student body.”

The esports degree has become one of the University of Chichester’s fastest-growing courses since its launched in 2019.
Students on the three-year programme learn in an immersive gaming environment at the…