The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provisionally finds that the $20bn deal would:
- eliminate competition between two main competitors in product design software
- reduce innovation and the development of new competitive products
- remove Figma as a threat to Adobe’s flagship Photoshop and Illustrator products
Figma is currently the world’s leading provider of product design software which is used by designers, creative agencies and businesses to help deliver leading websites and apps that are used by millions of people.
Adobe is one of Figma’s main competitors in product design software, and currently competes using its Adobe XD product. Adobe is also the largest supplier of image editing and illustration software, well known for its Photoshop and Illustrator applications.
Impact on UK businesses and consumers
More UK businesses than ever rely on design software to help present their products and services via websites and apps, with the CMA’s investigation finding that around 80% of the professional product design market use Figma’s…