Some people love life under canvas but it’s likely there will be quite a lot of reluctant campers this summer.
Travel restrictions, quarantine rules and the extra costs of all the coronavirus tests are likely to make foreign travel an unaffordable luxury for many families.
Meanwhile, the costs of holidays in the UK has been rising due to increased demand and a lot of people will be finding their first choices of staycations are already fully booked.
So if you’re pondering your first ever camping trip, here are a few tips put together by on how to have an environmentally friendly holiday outdoors.
Ben Gallizzi, an energy expert at said: “After the year we’ve all had, everyone deserves a holiday.
“However, lots of accommodation choices are filling up fast, leaving last-minute bookers with fewer options.
“Some British holidaymakers might already be committed to a sustainable, responsible, eco-friendly lifestyle, but it is especially important when camping.
“Natural beauty spots and countryside spaces are also some of the most fragile in the world…