The Tuesday letters page thinks Hideo Kojima should stop obsessing over Metal Gear, as one reader tries to guess when Resident Evil 9 will be revealed.
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Bad timing
I think I can give a pretty detailed insight into Microsoft gaming policy at the moment: throw everything at the wall and hope that something sticks. An Xbox branded handheld coming out this year, at the same time as the Nintendo Switch 2, is the most deluded thing I’ve ever heard.
The Switch has been around for eight years. They’ve had all that time to ask Asus, or whoever, to slap an Xbox logo on one of their portable PCs and they wait for now to do it?! If they hadn’t bought Activision Blizzard I do believe that Xbox would’ve been sold off or shut down at the end of this generation, it’s just one disaster after another. And now we’re hearing that Call Of Duty might not be doing so good? That would be very awkward timing, to put things mildly.
The last Xbox I owned was…