This is Charles Brett’s start-of-the-week Enterprise Times ‘blockchain catch-up’ Week 15. Necessarily it is idiosyncratic and selective.
It is not intended to be comprehensive but does seek to highlight ‘Quick Takes’ on specific developments as well interesting pieces to read, a listing of some (not all) announcements/press releases and pointers to upcoming events.
Quick Takes – Charles Brett’s Blockchain Catch-up Week 15
Eurosystem report on the public consultation on a digital euro
The ECB launched a “Public consultation on a digital euro” on 12 October 2020 which closed on 12 January 2021 with some 8221 responses. The ECB’s purpose was to obtain input on the economic and societal implications of issuing a digital euro and, if a digital euro were to be issued, on its design. The “Eurosystem report on the public consultation on a digital euro” analyses the replies using both manual assessments and automated tools such as text mining and natural language processing.
Of all the findings one stands out. As the Executive Summary…