technology blockchain It can help businesses against bureaucracy and insecurity. It’s important advice in a country that ranks 124th in the Doing Business 2020 rankings, which measures countries by the ease of doing business. At the same time, it ranks 12th among the largest economies in the world in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), which shows a contradiction.
The Federal Government’s National Network for Simplifying Corporate and Business Registration (Redesim) identifies Goiás, Roraima and Piauí as the states with the most digital business legalization processes. In January, Goiás allowed businesses to open in one day and two hours. Bahia recorded the longest time: five days and 13 hours.
Miklos Grove, CEO of Company Hero, a corporate formalization startup, compares the situation in Brazil with that in other countries. “In Estonia, it is possible to start a business 100% online, it costs about 190 euros and takes only two hours to complete. In the UK, for 12 pounds and within five minutes a person fills out an application to open his business. Following…