PLANNING permission is being sought to build a care home and retirement living block on a playing field in Tiverton.
Minton Care (Tiverton) Ltd, Petroc, LNT Care Developments Group Ltd and McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd have jointly applied for the project.
The care home would have 66 beds and the retirement accommodation 50 apartments. They would both be three storeys tall and have flat roofs.
They would be built on a sports field east of Bolham Road and south of Lea Road and College View.

Layout of care home and retirement living block (Powell Dobson Architects/ MDDC)
The field, which is part of the Petroc Tiverton campus, is “surplus to requirements” and has “not been used for eight years or more” as there is “no longer a need or use of the site by Petroc, the sale of which can be recycled into improved educational facilities on the wider site”, planning documents say.
LNT Care Developments Group Ltd would run the care home. It would offer “high-quality care services providing specialist dementia and nursing care as well as offering postoperative and…