I’ve started to take my dog out socialising a bit more, but she always seems to bark when people are near to us. Is there anything I can do to prevent this behaviour? Elan
Dear Elan,
Barking when people are near may mean that your dog feels worried about people approaching, but it could also be because she is excited.
It is important to work out what she is trying to tell you through her behaviour and body language. Early socialisation for our pets is very important but needs to be done gradually, at your dog’s pace, making sure she stays relaxed.
Try to keep your distance when you see people on walks and reward your dog when she stays calm. As you dog gets used to being near people and stays calm, gradually move closer while continuing to reward her.
Talk to your vet for advice, they may refer you to a behavioural specialist.
For more information, visit pdsa.org.uk/dogbehaviour
Dear PDSA Vet,
My cat seems to be drinking and weeing a lot more recently, should I take him to the vet? Gavin
Dear Gavin,
Cats normally get a lot of…