Badger Farm
22/01831/HOU, Damian Van Spall, erection of a cabin / home office in garden, 61 Harrow Down.
Compton and Shawford
22/02128/HOU, Mr and Mrs Egerton, two storey rear extension, new front dormer and porch, adjustments to existing roof. The addition of dormers and oriel windows to the garage, Coppice End, Southdown Road.
22/02110/LDC, Richard Churchill-Coleman, the applicant took up residence in May 2007 with construction of the garage completed shortly after occupation. Since November 2007 to the present day, the garage has been used for storage and as a hobby workshop for bicycle maintenance, DIY construction projects and the construction of a private light aircraft from kit components, contrary to Condition 12, Midstrey Barn, The Plantation.
22/01589/HOU, Gemma Lewendon, remove existing wall hung tiles to the front of the property and replace with UPVC cladding; rebuilding front porch to be clad in UPVC, 12 Hilda Gardens.
22/02107/LDC, Mr Williams, retention of storage building (Class B8), Willow Tree Stables, Forest Road.
22/02109/LDC, Mr…