“For many, the demands of daily life, work, children and other responsibilities can take precedence over intimacy, leaving little time for sex,” says Novitsky. Stress and fatigue can also be significant factors as they can diminish libido (the individual’s general sex drive) and sexual desire (the attraction experienced between people in a couple), she says.
“In some cases, health issues, including hormonal imbalances, menopause or chronic illness, can directly impact sexual function or desire,” Novitsky says. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are all causes of impotence among men. “If you suspect an underlying health issue, seek medical advice. Hormonal therapy or medication might be helpful,” she continues.
For women specifically, hormonal issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome can disrupt the libido, and in a survey conducted by Relate, almost a third of women over 60 say they have lost their libido since the menopause. Diabetes, heart problems, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and certain medications have…