Supplementary notes
Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.
The eCommerce Toys, Hobby & DIY market is a sector of online retailing that focuses on the sale of goods which people buy for their leisure activities. These include traditional toys and games for children and adults, video game consoles, various musical instruments and their accessories, equipment for indoor and outdoor sports activities, equipment for fishing, DIY and garden products (e.g., sports equipment, outdoor equipment, flowers, plants, tools, DIY products), as well as hobby and stationery articles (e.g., art/collectors’ items, car parts, and adult entertainment products).
The relevance of the eCommerce Toys, Hobby & DIY market lies in its ability to offer consumers a vast selection of unique and specialized products that may not be available in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. It also enables brands and retailers to connect with enthusiasts and hobbyists across different geographies and demographics, creating a community of passionate and…