// BDO’s latest High Street Sales Tracker recorded 83.3% in total like-for-like sales
// This marked the third consecutive month of positive like-for-like fashion sales
// Despite the reopening of stores, online like-for-like sales rose 9.7% in May
New research has shown that online sales have helped to bolster the overall growth of the fashion retail sector in May – the first full post-lockdown month.
BDO’s latest High Street Sales Tracker (HSST) showed that total like-for-like sales jumped 83.3 per cent from a base of 22.6 per cent for May last year.
This marked the third consecutive month of positive like-for-like fashion sales.
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Meanwhile, the lifestyle category saw total like-for-like sales reach their highest result on record, surging 85.4 per cent in May from a base of 30 per cent for the equivalent month last year.
This also marked the third straight month of positive total like-for-like sales.