More than half a million women are forced to wait for long periods to receive gynaecological care despite being in acute pain and suffering heavy bleeding, new research has found.
The study, carried out by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, found gynaecology waiting lists have seen the highest rise of all medical areas.
Researchers, who polled 837 women waiting for gynaecology care, found 80 per cent of women say their mental health has been harmed by waiting to be treated.
While one in four of those who struggled with their mental health as a result of their lengthy waiting time cited pain they were grappling with as a driver.
Just over three quarters of women noted their capacity to do their job or socialise with friends or family had been damaged by waiting for gynaecology treatment.
Around six in one women said she felt “despair” by being made to wait so long for treatment, while 63 per cent said they felt ignored.
Rachael, who is waiting to be seen by a gynaecologist, said: “It was in 2019 that I first saw a gynaecologist for prolapse and was referred…