As the new culture editor at Freedom, I wanted to introduce myself and the focus of this new venture. For the past twenty years, I’ve been a poet, performer, and anarchist, and over the years, I’ve added author, sound artist, and reviewer to this repertoire. A recent move to London has proved creatively inspirational, and I’m grateful to my Freedom comrades for welcoming this new space.
Yes, I’ll be talking about anarchic punk and protest art, they’re a staple of the anarchist scene, but anarchic values are surreptitiously woven throughout a plethora of creative endeavours, and so I hope to tease these out with the aim of examining the ways in which elements of anarchic philosophy flash across The Arts, even if not always attributed to the anarchic canon.
It has been mentioned to me that some view the creation and appreciation of art as solely the enclave of the bourgeoisie – an unnecessary affectation that bears no resemblance to the struggles of the working classes. But dismissing all art simply because of this perceived classism would mean ignoring the creativity at…