A second report – Implementing Good Home Hubs: The demand, costs, finance and delivery, by Demos – assessed how the hubs could be implemented nationwide.
The analysis suggested that, if delivered across the UK, the hubs would support 390,000 to 550,000 households each year to fix their homes.
The report also found that the hubs would bring significant savings for councils across their current home improvement services, while also unlocking revenue from residents “who are happy to pay to improve their homes but currently feel unable to do so”.
The report includes a range of barriers that prevent people from making the improvements their homes need, including difficulties finding trusted information, advice and support, access to finance and trusted tradespeople – as well as a lack of perceived ‘pay-off’ for investing in their homes.
The Centre for Ageing Better is calling on the UK government to develop a national strategy to fix cold and dangerous homes.
The charity said it wants the government to back up the strategy with “sufficient, long-term…