LONDON, July 24 — Faced with the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, the fashion industry pledged to change. So where do things stand a year down the line? A new British study sadly reveals that “discrimination pervades in the fashion industry.”
As the basis for this research, the Fashion Roundtable think tank and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Fashion and Textiles interviewed more than 330 British people working in the fashion industry. More than two thirds of them declare having experienced or witnessed discrimination within the sector. Most such incidents are related to physical appearance (73.4 per cent), followed by ethnicity (49.2 per cent) and age (48.6 per cent).
While this discrimination manifests itself in a variety of ways, many minority respondents report not having the same professional opportunities as some of their colleagues. “Bosses have told me that I should be working harder as I am British Chinese, we do not need as much as…