REWILDING is a trend set to grow even bigger in the coming year and if you want a piece of the action, why not turn part of your lawn into a wildflower meadow?
You don’t have to make your garden into a jungle. A wildflower meadow can be as large or small as you want it to be.
Just cordon off part of the lawn with, say, a simple rustic fence, or pick an awkward corner of the lawn which has always been difficult to mow. Some people even sow their meadows in pots and tubs, harvesting the hay with scissors!
There are three basic ways of letting the grass grow under your feet. You can just let your lawn go wild by stopping mowing until late July for a spring meadow and until September for a summer meadow.
You could also over sow your meadow site with a mixture of wildflower and grass seeds. This is a bit slower than transplanting ready-grown flowers but achieves the best results in the long run.
The transplanting method from pots and plugs is more time-consuming and expensive than seeding but it will speed up the process of making a wildflower meadow. But do not take plants…