The CQC, also known as the Care Quality Commission, inspects and regulates health and social care in England.
The CQC rates services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are.
Health and social care settings are rated as ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ and ‘inadequate’.
Here is why these care homes have been rated as ‘requires improvement’:
Vale House
The latest inspection took place on January 15 2021.
The inspection found the care home was rated as ‘requires improvement’ overall but it had ‘good’ ratings in a number of areas.
The inspection found: “Electronic records seen for two people who had been prescribed creams did not provide clear evidence that these creams had been applied. Staff told us they regularly applied creams in line with people’s prescriptions.
“However, staff gave different examples on how the administration of prescribed creams should be recorded within people’s care records. Therefore, systems to record the application of prescribed creams and…