A FEMALE swan is recovering after being savagely attacked by a dog in Largs.
The bird’s tail feathers and preen gland area turned black after the attack.
The swan family have been a popular sight at Aubery – but calls have now been made for signs to insist dogs are kept on a lead.
After a similar incident a few years back two swans had to be put down – and Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Centre bosses say pet owners must be more responsible.
Concerned resident Sylvia Doughty had been monitoring the progress of the cygnets at Aubrey and contacted Hessilhead after noticing their mum had gone missing.
Sylvia said: “I was shocked when I was told what had happened. It was a very bad wound and will take a long time to heal.
“It now means “dad” is a single parent and definitely needs help and support in the form of those taking dogs for walks near, or in Aubery Park, to keep them on a lead.
“I would ask people to be considerate and respect the swans by keeping dogs on leads.
“Personally I feel a couple of signs, at each entrance, wouldn’t go amiss…