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As previously announced, on 6 May 2021 Tryg A/S (“Tryg” or the “Company“) and Intact Financial Corporation’s (“Intact“) received all anti-trust and regulatory approvals for the acquisition of RSA Insurance Group plc (“RSA“) through Regent Bidco Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intact) (“Bidco“) (the “Acquisition“).
Tryg notes that today, RSA has announced that with effect from today the court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement, under which the Acquisition will be effected (the “Scheme“), has become effective in accordance with its terms. That means that the Acquisition has now been completed, pursuant to the terms of the Scheme, and that the entire issued and to be issued share capital of RSA with effect from today is now owned by Bidco.
On that basis, Tryg and Intact can now…