This week, I’m asking myself, are financial regulators out of touch with the real world? I say this with my experience in the process of writing a story about the intention of a Toronto-based company to float on the London Stock Exchange at a valuation of $4.5 billion. Despite being sent the publicly available information and being briefed by the company, I was told I couldn’t publish it on EE Times.
The short back story is that the press release with the company’s intention to float was sent to me in the morning by email from the financial PR agency. Having read it, I thought it was an interesting and significant piece of news to follow up and that I should interview the CEO. I called up the agency, left a message, and a senior partner called me back. She enthusiastically arranged a Zoom interview with the CEO, who was in Toronto, and the chairman, who was in London. The catch was that I only had 15 minutes for the interview, as they were very busy people.
Fine I thought, I was all ready for it, prepared as I…