By Jess Sharp, Money blogger
Strippers, mistresses and damsels in distress – that’s how women have been depicted in some of the most successful finance films of the past decade.
You only have to look at the Wolf of Wall Street as an example.
While it’s a huge hit, reportedly making £407m at the box office, its impact on women’s financial success isn’t as positive.
The gender investment gap – the difference between investments held by men and women – stands at £567bn and is growing, with new research finding on-screen stereotypes are part of the reason why.
Experts at King’s Business School analysed major films and TV shows about finance from the past 15 years, and found none of them featured a successful female chief executive.
In fact, only 24% of the films looked at portrayed women in any sort of lead financial position.
Dr Ylva Baeckstrom, who led the research, has warned that on-screen depictions could have a “disastrous impact on society”.
And when you have a look at the financial statistics, you can see why she is concerned.
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