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In my reporting on women’s reproductive rights, I’ve witnessed the critical role that independent journalism plays in protecting freedoms and informing the public.
Your support allows us to keep these vital issues in the spotlight. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to fight for truth and justice.
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Kelly Rissman
US News Reporter
Hillary Clinton has condemned Elon Musk’s “rotten and creepy” social media message to Taylor Swift, describing it as “another way of saying rape.”
Clinton argued that Musk was acting as a mouthpiece for Donald Trump after Swift endorsed his rival Kamala Harris in the upcoming US presidential election.
Swift posted her endorsement beside a photo of herself posing with her cat – Benjamin Button – and in an apparent dig at Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance the pop superstar signed her message: “Childless Cat Lady.”
Musk, a 53-year-old billionaire and father of 12, replied: “Fine Taylor… you…